How to Vodcast

This is the place to learn how to VODCast, to learn how to find, watch, and share VODCasts, and anything else to do with VODCasting.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Got vodcast? - Sites to find vodcasts and vlogs

Here's an interesting example of a blog with VODs on it. Is anyone saying vlog? I know I've seen it somewhere.

Add your favorite video sites and vodcast feeds in comments. I'll be doing a full post on vodcast sites very soon.

Yes there is a difference between a vlog (video blog) and a vodcast (Video on Demand webcast), but for right now I'm just going to include interesting sites of both kinds. I'll refine it later.

For now, check these out: - Possibly the first, and may have coined the term VODCast.
They also have info on how to subscribe to vodcasts and now to create them.


At 24/10/05 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondered whether I could plug a vodcast website:

There are currently around 200 vodcasts in there with a user rating for each one.
Thanks in advance.


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